
Darnell Collins - Founder & CEO

CEO & Founder

My name is Darnell Collins, and I am the owner and founder of DCO Digital.

I first started my career as a freelance photographer that focused on simple creative shoots with friends and family. That slowly transformed into shooting photos and video for everything from events, weddings, short films, and corporate work.

Through this creative transition that I underwent over the years, developing new skills and honing old ones, I realized that as much as I enjoyed being creative, I enjoyed helping others create their visions or ideas just as much. So, I wanted to figure out a way that I could help people do this on a scale that was larger than the one I was on with just offering Photography and Videography services. Which is what led me into the Branding, Digital Marketing, and Social Media Management market.

Since offering these services, I have been able to exponential expand the audience that I can help achieve their creative goals. I’ve also been able to expand my circle of other talented creative professionals, many of whom I team up with to help create my client’s dreams and ideas.

DCO Digital Logo

The one-stop shop for all of your creative needs.

Since we offer a large number of services ranging from Photography, Videography, Branding, Logo Design, Website Building, Social Media Management, and more, we partner with some of the most talented designers, artists, and Photographers / Videographers to help ensure we shape, design, and create a product or service that fits your vision, no matter how big or small.

And one of the best parts of being a one-stop shop for all of your creative needs is that communication is simplified and linear, meaning it’s easier to keep your vision consistent from beginning to end.

If you have an idea you need helping creating,
we’d love to hear from you:
